
Let’s take a second and talk about the newest video from Them Damn Kings, shall we? I feel it only right to start this review off by letting everyone know that this is (literally) a one-man show. Jef Rhodes is the vocalist, the guitarist, and the player of multiple instruments – all of which make the hard rock beating your eardrums even more impressive.

TAG publicity asked us to take a look at the bands latest video “Shown With A Fist” and to give it a watch and review. I have to admit I was interested — it’s really not very often that someone asks us to look at a lyric video — but I was definitely down!

Right off the bat I liked the grungy, New Jersey rock sound coming out of Them Damn Kings, and other than one grammar-nerd eye twitch moment when someone used “your” instead of “you’re” in the text I was bobbing my head and leaning towards a solid 3/5 review … and then we hit the 2:05 mark.

I’m not going to ruin it for you – it’s absolutely worth watching yourself – but if you’d like to witness first hand one of the most epic guitar battles in history, go click the video up there and give Them Damn Kings a listen for yourself!

(I also suggest checking out their video for Upside Down)

Solid 4/5 : minus one for the grammar issue (sorry!) but the creativity was awesome!

This is a sponsored review from TAG Publicity

these are our own honest opinions

Want us to review a song, video, or anything else for you? Send us a note and lets talk!

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